你是否找到了完美的居住地, 或者准备签租约, 你可能有一些问题. We’ve compiled a list of all our most common questions below. 没看到你的问题?
我想搬出去,但我的室友想留下来. 我该怎么办??
Any lease modification has to be requested at least 60 days before the current lease expiration date otherwise it can’t be processed. 当我们解除你的租约时, your roommate will need to either find another qualified person to take your place or they must qualify for the property on their own. In either case, we would need to sign a new lease agreement. Some restrictions apply as the person staying would need to re-submit an application and pay the app fee so they can be rescreened by our underwriting team to see if they are approved to remain in the house on their own as financially responsible. Every scenario has an option, to all, a $200 administrative fee to modify the lease will apply. -
Who is responsible for paying for repairs and maintenance requests?
主人 are responsible for all usual maintenance such as roof, 管道, 电, and any structural work that needs repair as long as it was not the result of resident misuse. 居民 will be responsible for work that was caused by misuse, such as holes put in sheetrock, toilets clogged by toys, feminine products, etc. Please be advised if an appointment is scheduled and the resident misses the appointment, 住宿者将被收取服务费. -
我想要一只宠物. 我该怎么办??
电子邮件 support@evernest.co. The main consideration will be whether the owner of the house will allow a pet and/or is an acceptable pet breed per your lease. 另外还有300美元的不可退还宠物费 每只宠物住在家里. Also, monthly pet fees may apply in case the owner informs. 还需要签署一份宠物附录. -
是的, the security deposit will be refunded after a resident moves out and the house is inspected for any resident related damage. If there has been damage to the home that is not normal wear and tear, 修理费将从 已支付的初始保证金. We follow the Landlord resident Law for each state in regards to the time it takes to refund any security deposit. -
Do I pay first month’s rent and last month’s rent with my security deposit?
Before you can move into the property you will need to pay the security deposit; first month’s rent and a one-time $200 - $250 administrative fee. (收费金额可能因市场而异). The security deposit is not to be used to pay any future, current or rent in arrears. -
门户网站: 登录到Evernest提供的租户门户. From there, you can make payments directly using a bank account or credit car.
自动支付: You can set up recurring payments through the online portal to ensure your rent is paid automatically each month.
PayNearMe: You can pay your rent in cash at participating stores like CVS, 7-Eleven, or Walmart. 使用PayNearMe选项并下载您的工资单. -
We allow a co-signer for applicants who meet or exceed all qualifications besides income. In that case, you may have a cosigner as long as they meet 以下 标准. 寄售人不能用于满足信用评分. -
You must be at least 18 years old to apply to rent an Evernest home. In addition, anyone planning to live in the home age 18 or over is required to submit an application. -
We cannot hold a house before an application has been submitted, 已批准,并已支付保证金. We encourage everyone to fill out an application while you’re looking for that perfect house. 然后,一旦你找到房子,你 want, you can come in and reserve it with your security deposit and a signed lease. -
你有一处房产我想租. 我如何申请?
浏览我们的 可用的属性 找到你有兴趣租的房子. 单击属性列表以查看更多详细信息. apply now按钮位于清单页面的右侧. -
Will I get an eviction if I owe only the current month of rent?
The resident signed a lease agreement specifying rent is due on the first of each month and we allow a grace period before the late fees accrue. However, after the grace period and late fee accrues, we may post an eviction notice if you are unresponsive and have not communicated your payment plans. We will follow the state law for non-payment which might include a Notice to Pay post on the door. 在酒店寄信需要额外收费. -
Your portal will be automatically disabled for payments and you will have to pay via Certified Funds payable to Evernest: cashier check and money order may be dropped off at the office OR you can request the PayNearMeSlip from your 居民 通信专家. -
Can I pay out of pocket for a maintenance issue that is not being repaired?
You will not be reimbursed if you choose to pay out of pocket. We recommend you reach out to your resident communication specialist for an update or eta to your work order. Please know you may not withhold rent as per your lease agreements. We also use certified vendors to complete the repairs to guarantee the work. If you are using your own vendor or pay out of pocket work is not guaranteed and any further repairs that may arise from it will be the resident's responsibility.